Android Training

Android application development is basically about creating applications for the Android Operating System, which is an OS based on the Linux Kernel. Applications are developed in Java using Android SDK (Software Development Kit). The Android SDK provides necessary tools and APIs to start with the application development on the Android platform.

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Industrial Training Program

6 Months Industrial Training Android

Project-Based 3-6 Months Industrial Training

Android is most popular OS for smart phones and all the businesses want to have their own Apps for Android. Android is available in 46 languages therefore the opportunities are tremendous. In Android you will learn to create application, Implement Basic UI, Databases, Sensors, Multi-touch, Parsing and Integration etcAndroid course covers topics on how to design, develop and build applications for Android.

Android Training Course Curriculum:
Advanced Android Development
  • Using AID L to Support IP C for Services
  • Implementing an AIDL Interface
  • Using Internet Services
  • Building Rich User Interfaces
  • Using Themes to Skin Your Applications
  • Advanced Canvas Drawing
  • Working with Animations
  • Introducing Surface View
  • Creating Interactive Controls
Accessing Android Hardware
  • Using the Media APIs
  • Playing Media Resources
  • Recording Multimedia
  • Controlling Camera Settings
  • Introducing the Sensor Manager
  • Using the Accelerometer and Compass
  • Detecting Acceleration Changes
  • Accessing Phone Properties and Status
  • Controlling Device Vibration
Data Storage, Retrieval, and Sharing
  • Saving and Loading Files
  • Including Static Files as Resources
  • File Management Tools
  • Databases in Android
  • Introducing SQLite
  • Cursors and Content Values
  • Working with Android Databases
  • Using Content Providers
  • Creating a New Content Provider
Geocoding, Location-Based Services
  • Using Location-Based Services
  • Setting up the Emulator with Test Providers
  • Selecting a Location Provider
  • Selecting a Location Provider
  • Using the Geocoder
  • Creating Map -Based Activities
  • Forward Geocoding
  • Creating a Map-Based Activity
Creating User Interfaces
  • Fundamental Android UI Design
  • The Android Widget Toolbox
  • Introducing Layouts
  • Modifying Existing Views
  • Creating Compound Controls
  • Using Custom Controls
  • Creating and Using Menuss
  • Handling Menu Selections
  • Dynamically Updating Menu Items
Creating Applications and Activities
  • What Makes an Android Application?
  • Introducing the Application Manifest
  • Using the Manifest Editor
  • The Android Application Life Cycle
  • Externalizing Resources
  • Using Resources
  • Creating an Activity
  • Android Activity Classes